Monday 23 April 2012

Video Evaluation - How did you attract/address your audience?

Me addressing the question: "How did you attract/address your audience?"


Well we started by opening with a logo that stands out. The large red fist is a symbol of independence, which links in with the fact that we are an independent film company. We took a survey and found that eight out of ten teenagers agreed that our logo got their attention, which was long enough to get them to watch the first two minutes of our film.

The opening establishing shot of the tunnel would have appealed to our male target audience of 16-25 because of the artistic graffiti on the walls that establishes the urban setting. A quick survey showed us that the majority of our target audience are interested in street art/graffiti.

We knew that viewers would be surprised by our juxtaposition of the antagonist wearing a suit. The clothing contrasts with the urban setting and raises the question as to why he was there, and what he did to wind up there.

We also knew that by establishing the main character as an antagonist, rather than a protagonist, people would find it interesting. This is because in almost every film or tv show the good guys always win. We changed that in Remembrance.

Friday 20 April 2012

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Video Evaluation - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Here I am addressing the question "Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?"

Monday 16 April 2012

Video Evaluation - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In this video, I answer the question "What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?"


We used editing software such as Premiere, Photoshop, and audition, to optimise the three key elements that makes our film successful. Visuals, Audio and screenplay.

We learnt a lot during the filming of our production. One of the most important decisions we made was to use a DSLR over the school’s SD camcorders. After doing a little research, we found that by using an SLR, we had the option to use a variety of lenses with variable apertures, shutter speeds, and manual focus. This was huge.

Rather than recording onto tape, we recorded to a 16GB SD in 720P at 24 frames per second which is US film standard.

The camcorders recorded at either 30 or 60 frames per second which is preferable for sports over actual film. This is changeable in POST using premiere, but it proved more efficient to get as much correct in camera as possible, to avoid loosing quality from over processing the final clips.

We wrote more of the story than seen in the two minute slot. This was so that we had more to talk about un terms of where our film would go if we were to go on and produce the whole thing. We knew this was important because it helped us to perfect the story for the two minute slot and It allowed us to make the clip flow more like an actual beginning to a film, rather than making the mistake of making it a trailer which isn’t the task set.

We used a tripod to help us achieve steady shots throughout our production. This proved extremely helpful an made our film more successful than if we were trying to record with handheld shots.

Screenshot of saved optimal export settings for my camera at 1280x720 @ 24, or 29.97 FPS:

Screenshot of a quick title reel I made as a template for the new title design and font:

Photoshop's advanced layer effects settings used to enhance text:

Saturday 14 April 2012

Evaluation Notes

Problems Encountered During Production

And, I might add; a problem with this very video. When I exported it, I did not double check the export markers (the sliders that set exactly what part of the timeline is being exported) were correct and I seem to have unintentionally cut off the first fifteen seconds of footage. No 'major' information is missing though, so it's not worth re-exporting it for an hour for the sake of a title and me saying hello. This has taught me to double check and take extra care before exporting video files as they take a long time to render and tf it's wrong then time has been wasted.

Remembrance - Directors Commentary

We decided to do a little commentary over the top of our video to communicate our key ideas, comments and thoughts on each individual shot.

Friday 13 April 2012

Remembrance - Final Product

This is our final video!

The clip is the full embedded video that can be viewed in 720p widescreen HD on YouTube directly.

We feel that the video is extremely successful and better than what either of us predicted!

Friday 6 April 2012

Advanced Editing in Premiere Pro

Demonstrating my understanding of Premiere Pro. Here I am using the rolling edit tool to quickly sync the cut between two clips, making the cut perfect. I have full understanding of all of the timeline editing tools available. In the second window, I am previewing a segment after syncing each video chunk before placing it onto the main timeline that we will be exporting.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Final Transparent Logo

here are two of my transparent logos. This is a demonstration of our finial design that will be used in our videos.